Michelle Reed

Litterer gets rubbish returned to his front lawn

A Northern Territory man decided to dump his rubbish at Rosebery bushland. That was his first mistake.

The man also didn’t think to remove any belongings with his name and address on them. That was his second.

Litter vigilante Frederick Tomlinson heard of the mass amounts of garbage being dumped in the bush and decided to clean it up.

In finding several pieces of aligning identification, Tomlinson decided to return the heap to its original owner, “I was going to say ‘hey mate, you’re going to get a fine because there’s so much stuff to identify you in here, why don’t you take the stuff from me and take it to the dump’,” Tomlinson explained.

“My idea was to let him clean it up himself and avoid a fine while letting him know people don’t want that kind of behaviour.”

Tomlinson says he was later contacted by the alleged perpetrator’s neighbour who claimed the man in question had recently done a clean out, but had not since moved out.

And so Tomlinson left the debris to its rightful owner, leaving it behind on the man’s lawn.

If you’re going to be ignorant enough to dump mass amounts of garbage, at least be smart enough not to leave a trail.

Photo Source: Supplied

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