Joel Callen

A calorie counting app is set to ruin Instagram’s drool-worthy food pictures

If you’re an avid Instagram user, then you’ll know that one of the most popular subjects of uploads is food (if you’ve seen our own Over60 Instagram account, you’ll see we’re no strangers to posting delicious-looking meals on our account). But now a new app is set to make people think twice before lusting after other people’s food.

Im2Calories will work with Instagram to count the calories in the pictured food. The mechanics behind the app are (we gather) that it analyses the pixels in the image, identify what the food is, and calculate the calories based on its size in relation to the plate and any condiments.

Google, who are launching the app, have defended the app against early critics who say it will lead to fat-shaming and online bullying. The tech giant has positioned the app as a way for users to keep a food diary and take the guesswork out of their calorie counts.

Still, don’t expect the Over60 Instagram posts of our delicious cakes and desserts to come with a calorie count from now on – we’re not that cruel.

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Technology, health, food, smartphone, News, app