Michelle Reed

3 huskies befriend kitten after saving her life

Photo source: lilothehusky Instagram page 

Six months ago, Rosie’s fate was undecided and it wasn’t certain that the tabby cat would live. However, thanks to Lilo the husky, Rosie has made an amazing recovery and is now the tiniest member of her new family.

Lilo’s owners found Rosie on the brink of death. “She almost did not make it through the first night,” writes lilothehusky on Instagram, “even with round the clock care”. So they went out on a limb and decided to let her cuddle into one of their husky dogs-which can be of significant risk as they are notorious for their intense prey drive.

By some miracle, Lilo took to being Rosie’s surrogate mother. These photos from last year show that Rosie has well and truly been accepted into the pack, who cares that they’re dogs!

Scroll through the gallery above for an overload of cuteness. 

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animals, cute, News, kitten, huskies