Joanita Wibowo

"He deserves a lot worse": Scott Morrison egged at election campaign by protester

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been egged by a protester while campaigning in Albury on the NSW-Victorian border today.

A 25-year-old woman was spotted walking behind Morrison and throwing an egg at his head at a Country Women's Association (CWA) event. The egg bounced off his head and remained intact.

The protester was then tackled to the floor by the security, knocking over an elderly woman in the process.

NSW Police confirmed the protester has been taken into custody.

Upon being asked why she attempted egging the PM, the protester told reporters to check Morrison’s Twitter account as it “speaks for itself”.

2GB reported that she could be heard saying, “He deserves it, he deserves a lot worse actually.”

Morrison took to Twitter to condemn the attack. 

“My concern about today's incident in Albury was for the older lady who was knocked off her feet,” he wrote.

“We will stand up to thuggery whether it’s these cowardly activists who have no respect for anyone, or militant unionists standing over small businesses and their employees on work sites.”

NSW Police said no injuries had been reported, with their inquiries still ongoing.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said the egging incident was “appalling and disgraceful behaviour”.

“In Australia we have violence-free elections, people are allowed to protest peacefully but anything approaching violence is unacceptable,” said Shorten, speaking from Melbourne.

“If this protester thinks she will get sympathy or support from me, she couldn’t be more wrong.”

Morrison is the latest politician to be at the receiving end of a food attack. In March, Senator Fraser Anning was egged by teenager Will Connolly after making controversial remarks in the wake of the Christchurch terror attacks. In 2013, two students threw a sandwich at then-Prime Minister Julia Gillard in two separate occasions. 

Scott Morrison, Fraser Anning, Julia Gillard, egging, Politics, News, Australia