Ben Squires

Ghost in woman’s kitchen caught on camera

Looks like it’s going to be a busy week for the Ghostbusters in Ireland. On Tuesday, Ashley Murphy, an Irish woman from Cork posted remarkable footage of a haunted kitchen. It’s the latest in series of videos posted online that seem to pose the question of whether or not ghosts actually exist.

The video depicts a ghost haunting the kitchen as the light fixtures start to swing violently. Strange noises also fill the room as pots and pans start to shake. Out of nowhere a cupboard door opens and the video ends with a red bucket sliding ominously across the floor in Ms Murphy’s direction. The frightening footage has since gone viral.

This is not the first time footage of paranormal activity has made its way online. Earlier this year a number of Toowoomba residents documented footage of paranormal encounters culminating in a spine tingling video seemingly depicting a ghost appearing outside a house in the regional Queensland town. Residents of the English town Warrington also spooked many ghost hunters online when they posted CCTV footage of ghostly figures walking up and down a hallway.  

Whether or not these videos provide conclusive evidence of the existence of ghost remains up for discussion. But one thing’s for sure, with this many camera phones around we’re getting closer than ever to figuring out for sure the truth of whether or not ghosts actually exist.

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ghost, haunted, Haunted house