Melody Teh

Golden Retriever born without eyes helps people in hospitals

Born without eyes, a Golden Retriever named Smiley is still as loveable and loving as ever.

He was adopted from a puppy mill in Stouffville, Canada by owner Joanne George, who also owns a deaf Great Dane named Tyler.

George noticed that Smiley’s happy go lucky ways were so infectious that he was cheering everyone who was around him. She started taking him to hospitals and schools to visit people who might need some cheering up.

George recalled one patient named Teddy at a nursing home who staff had warned her never smiles. That was, of course, until Smiley came bounding along.

“(Teddy) smiled when Smiley got into his vision,” George recalled.

Most people soon realise that Smiley has a disability. George says that although he is prone to run into things, he walks carefully and takes high steps to feel his surroundings. He has also learnt to follow George’s voice.

However, she emphasises the importance of letting him work things out by himself.

“Somebody through St. John’s Ambulance is wanting to adopt a dog that’s blind,” George told ABC.

“I told her of all those things, don’t be his eyes, don’t run his life, don’t keep him in a bubble.” 

Image credits: Facebook 

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pets, dogs, News