Danielle McCarthy

5 popular foods that could be making you age faster

If you are concerned about slowing down the effects of ageing, new information shows that not only should you be worried about what you are putting on your skin, but in your body too. Susie Burrell, registered dietician and founder of Shapeme.com, had this to say on the matter, “As a general rule of thumb, dietary patterns with a high glycemic load increase inflammatory processes in the body over time, while diets high in salt result in fluid retention, swelling and increase pressure on a number of the body’s systems” via Daily Mail Australia.

While we no doubt by now know the risks associated with excess consumption of processed foods, which can be notoriously high in salt, fat and sugar, these five popular dietary items have recently been targeted as especially detrimental during the aging process: 

Chai lattes

Many coffee shops use high-sugar syrups when making their chai lattes, and this can wreak havoc on your skin. According to Burrell, “Pre-mixed chai can contain as much as six teaspoons of sugar in a single serve and when you combine that with the sugars found naturally in milk you have a sugar bomb hidden in a seemingly healthy drink choice.”

Sugars found in many popular hot drink choices form detrimental molecules in the blood stream that damage the protein and consequently, the collagen, found in the body, both of which are essential for young, healthy skin. 

Muffins and banana breads

Muffins and breads may seem like a convenient, quick go-to or morning breakfast, but according to Burrell, these can be doing more harm than good: “The potent mix of saturated fat and sugar mean that processed carbohydrates are a nightmare when it comes to increasing inflammation in the body.” 

Fried foods 

This one might be a little more obvious. Pizzas and other fatty fried foods are not just low in nutritional value, but according to Burrell, “Not only are our favourite fried foods are packed full of salt, but the trans fats found in many fast foods means you should consume as little commercially fried and packaged foods as possible as they have been specifically linked to cellular damage.” 

Fruit juices

Premade fruit juices are another sugar culprit. Not only can the acid found in citrus damage our teeth’s enamel, but the sugars are doing no favours for our skin. “Not only is fruit juice highly acidic…but with more than six teaspoons of sugar per glass, juice will send your insulin levels sky rocketing,” said Burrell, “The high insulin levels are linked to both inflammation and weight gain.” Ouch!   

Pre-packaged soups

When it comes to packet soups, Burrell states that their high sodium content is the killer: “With more than 800 – 1000 milligrams of sodium in a single serve of many of them, packet soups are likely to leave you bloated and retaining fluid.”

So which foods can we count on to actually help slow the body’s aging process? Nuts, milk, fish, whole grains, red wine (in moderation) and fruits and vegetables all contain beneficial fats, omega-3, or anti-oxidants that help protect your skin cells, bones and heart.

Related links:

6 unhealthy foods to avoid

7 things you can do to keep your bones healthy 

5 surprising habits that cause wrinkles


diet, health, food, ageing