Melody Teh

Fisherman catch wombat while out fishing

Two fisherman have captured the moment they saved a wombat struggling in a Tasmanian lake.

Craig Wilson and stepfather Bob Wilton were out fishing on Woods Lake in central-northern Tasmania when they saw an animal flailing about 250 metres offshore. They first believed it to be a platypus but upon a closer look discovered it was a floundering wombat.

“The wombat was trying to stay afloat above the water … he was definitely struggling,” Mr Wilson told The Advocate.

The two men tried fishing the wombat out of the water with their net, but the wombat kept resisting their efforts to climb out. The pair were able to eventually pull the wombat abroad.

Mr Wilson said he believes that if they had no saved the wombat, he would most like have died. He was showing signs of being “pretty worn out”.

“If we weren't there in the lake he would have drowned for sure, the way the wind was blowing,” he said.

“Once we got to shore, we got him out of the boat and let him go, he just went on his merry way and strolled back into the bush.”

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australia, fishing, fisherman, News, wombat