Ben Squires

7 things that happen if you limit dairy

Dairy products play an important role in a healthy diet. Every year your average Australian consumes up to 100 litres of milk, 13 kilograms of cheese and even up to three kilograms of butter. But what happens when you dramatically reduce your dairy intake? This list is going to take you through seven interesting side effects that come about from cutting down on dairy.

1. Brittle bones

As you age your body starts to break down bones faster which can lead to osteoporosis and fractures. Calcium is the best way to fortify you frame. Furthermore, your body absorbs calcium better from dairy than any other food. That being said, if you are insistent on cutting down dairy, look to alternate sources such as leafy green vegetables, tofu, sardines.

2. Clear skin

While this varies from person to person, cutting your consumption of milk can potentially lead to clearer skin. Milk has been shown to contain testosterone-like hormones that sometimes stimulate oil glands in your skin. Heavy consumption can trigger breakouts. So skipping your morning smoothie might mean you’ll be able to cut down on make-up as well.

3. Decrease risk of cancer

Research has also suggested these pesky hormones in dairy products can significantly increase your risk of getting cancer. The hormones have been known to fuel cancer cell growth with a Harvard study found men on two servings of dairy a day were 34 per cent more likely to develop prostate cancer, while Swedish researchers found a daily glass of milk can double a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer.

4. Toilet issues

Probiotics are healthy bacteria commonly found in yogurt and cheese that helps ease the transition of the digestive process. So it stands to reason if you’re cutting down on dairy you’re going to have to find another source to stay regular. The good news is that a variety of non-dairy foods contain probiotics including sauerkraut and pickles… so there are options.

5. Weight gain

Dairy products are often considered to be quite fatty, and are often the first element of the food pyramid cast aside in a diet. But studies have shown that people who consumed more fat from dairy products were 50 per cent less likely to develop obesity problems than people who got those fats from other sources. Some fats are good fats, and without dairy they can be tough to find.

6. Bloating

When dairy products are replaced by soy-based alternatives, bloating and gas are often the unfortunate consequences. Soy products contain oligosaccharides that are difficult for your body to digest, particularly as you’re making the transition away from traditional dairy products.

7. Sinus problems clear up

If you seem to have a perpetual runny nose cutting down on dairy can significantly improve your sinus problems. Cutting down on dairy will clear your sinuses and allow you to breathe and ultimately enhance your oxygen intake and sense of smell.

So there you have it, seven things you didn’t know would happen when you cut down on dairy. There are certainly pros and cons to making this sort of dietary move, but ultimately we’d recommend you consult a physician before deciding the best move for you.

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diet, food, healthy eating