Michelle Reed

Paramedic bride responds to car accident in wedding dress

As reported by Nashville’s News Channel 5, a bride who works as a paramedic responded to a car accident just minutes after saying her vows.

Sarah Ray just finished marrying her husband, Paul – also a paramedic – and the pair were on the way to their reception when they were interrupted by disturbing news: Sarah Ray’s father and grandparents were involved in a car crash near the church at which they wed.

Being both paramedics and family, Ray and her husband responded to the news, heading to the scene for help, not even stopping to take off Ray’s wedding dress.

"Anybody in the EMS field would've done the same thing," Ray told News Channel 5. "I don't know if what I did was special but I was in a wedding dress."

Ray’s family survived the crash, coming away with only minor injuries and a great story of their fearless (grand)daughter on her wedding day.

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news, bride, paramedic