Melody Teh

This video of baby goats dancing in their pyjamas will make your day

What’s cuter than a pair of 3-week-old-Nigerian Dwarf goat siblings frolicking and dancing in their panamas onesies on a dreary, rainy day?

After watching this video, you’ll come to the same conclusions we did: nothing.

The dynamic duo, Winifred and Monty, hail from Sunflower Farm in Cumberland, Maine. In a few more weeks, they will go to their new homes as pets or future milking goats.

The farm wrote: “Goats have zero interest in letting even one rain drop touch their heads… So these little ones enjoyed their time out, but decided to stay inside the barn!”

Related links: 

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The “cat library” that allows workers to borrow a kitten for the day


News, Goats, Animals