Ben Squires

Baby elephant dances to get cow’s attention

Navann might be the youngest elephant in this nature park, but when it comes to entertaining the cows in the neighbouring field he’s certainly not bashful.

And, as you can see in the video above, he pulls out all the stops!

Navann lives at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and he loves nothing more than trying to communicate with the cows in the field next to him.

Navann does everything he can think of to try and get their attention. At one point it looks as though he’s pulling off some bizarre elephant dancing moves.

That being said, the cows aren’t having any of it. In fact, they look a little less than impressed. Oh well, at least Navann looks like he’s having fun.

Isn’t Naveen the cutest elephant? We love baby elephants, what’s your favourite type of animal and have you ever seen it in real life?

Share your story in the comments.

Video credit: YouTube / elephantnews

Related links:

Where to see elephants in the wild

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thailand, News, video, elephant, Cows