Ben Squires

85-year-old man finds lost wallet, 71 years later

While performing renovations to the Talent Factory Theatre in Nevada, US, Larry Sloane happened upon an interesting discovery.

While working on renovations they spotted a wallet lodged in floorboards.

The wallet dates back to 1944, and was filled with ration stamps, Boy Scout cards and old photos. It also included a hand-written ID for the owner Clare McIntosh who has been parted from his possession for 71 years.

Using his skills as a former PI Mr Sloane was able to track down Mr McIntosh, now 85, and give him his long lost possession.

You can see Mr McIntosh’s reaction in the video above.

It must be quite a surreal experience to have your wallet back after so many years.

Video credit: YouTube / KCCI

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money, News, lost wallet, theatre, Antique