Melody Teh

You won’t believe how flexible this 85-year-old gran is – all thanks to yoga

At 85, Betty Marshall is as flexible as ever thanks to her 40 plus years of yoga practice.

The gran, from West Yorks in the UK, tried yoga by chance decades ago and soon became a qualified yoga teacher.

"I took up yoga in 1970. I had been ill and couldn't do any strong physical exercise. I had also met an Indian lady who had taught me breathing exercise and it happened from there,” Betty told the Express.

“I qualified in 1974 and I've been teaching it ever since.”

Betty, who has two children, six grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren, credits yoga for transforming her life, making her fitter, stronger and more flexible.

She adds though: “Of course there are certain positions I can't do any more due to my age. I can't hold my head down, for instance.

"You do a lot of things over the years, I am now 85 but I can still teach, you don't have to do the postures to teach, I can still do quite a few of the things but if you are a good teacher you can talk people through it.

“We have a lot of fun, friendship and better health mentally, physically and emotionally.”

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News, Yoga, Inspiration