Alex O'Brien

Is the 14-foot stingray the largest freshwater fish ever caught?

In Thailand researchers caught and released a giant freshwater stingray in the Mae Klong River, which may set a new record.

According to National Geographic, the ray was pregnant with two fetuses and measured 14-feet long and nearly 8-feet across; researchers estimated that it weighed around 315 kilos to 360 kilos. 

TV host Jeff Corwin, who was filming for ABC’s “Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin,” helped capture the cartilaginous fish and said the ray’s story will be used in an upcoming episode.

Corwin said the pregnant stingray, caught about an hour outside Bangkok, is a ray of hope for conservationists. Thailand “is not unique in problems like waste and plastic and litter,” he told USA Today, adding that the ray “tells us that there's hope for conservation despite living in an uncertain world because of pollution and habitat loss.”

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stingray, fish, Thailand