Ben Squires

13-year-old stand-up comedian roasts Donald Trump

The prospect of performing stand-up comedy to a packed arena is enough to make most adults quiver in their boots, but Lori Mae Hernandez is not like most adults.

This is for two reasons. Number one, she clearly has a gift for stand-up comedy. And number two, she’s not an adult! Lori Mae is only 13-years-old.

As you can see in the video above, Lori Mae has the packed crowd at the America’s Got Talent auditions in stiches with her clever routine, drawing on her life as a babysitter. She even throws in a joke about US presidential hopeful Donald Trump!

Lori Mae’s story is actually quite a heart-warming one. She took up stand up when her father was diagnosed with Bell's palsy, as a way to help him smile.

We think she’s incredible, and has a real future in comedy.

To see Lori Mae’s full performance watch the video above. What’s your favourite joke from her routine? Have you ever tried stand-up comedy?

Let us know in the comments.  

Video credit: YouTube / America's Got Talent

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News, video, Comedy, America's Got Talent, Donald Trump