Alex O'Brien

120-year-old great-grandmother claims to be world’s oldest person

This Russian great-grandmother is taking the so-called “world’s oldest living person” to task, claiming she’s about 3 years older than the current record-holder, 116-year-old Italian Emma Morano.

Claiming to have been born in 1896, Tanzilya Bisembeyeva has survived the Russian Revolution, both World Wars and two husbands, all the while working for six decades in the fields. Her family claims the secret to her longevity is: “She never sits still, doesn't smoke and eats only organic produce.”

Bisembeyeva had her first son during World War II, but he sadly did not survive past infancy. She had another child at the age of 53 with her second husband, and two more followed. She has 10 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren, according to The Moscow Times.

If her claims are true, the 120-year-old will enter the record books as the second oldest person in living memory, after Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment died in 1997 at the age of 122.

Who’s the oldest person you’ve ever known? Tell us about them in the comments below.

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ageing, Longevity, long life, Guinness World Record, 120-year-old