Ben Squires
Retirement Life

Lessons from over-60s who have retired

Everyone experiences retirement differently. For some, it’s easy to get into the swing of things but for others, adjusting to a newly retired lifestyle takes time. For anyone about to enter this new stage of their life, the Over60 community share their experience and advice on how they got used to the exciting but sometimes daunting new phase.

“I've been retired for 14 months now and love it. No more rushing around like a mad idiot. More time to smell the roses, travel, see friends and see grandkids. If I don't want to do a chore around the house I just don't do it. Before everything bad had to be done on the weekend, now I do chores when I feel in the mood.” – Carla Blackburn

 “You are no longer regulated by time when you retire, it becomes your choice as to how you spend it. That can be reading a good book, taking up a hobby, revisiting an old pastime or just sitting in the backyard and watering, the choice is yours. Of course, sitting back and having a chat with friends and family over a coffee or glass of wine is also wonderful. ” – Wendy Smith

“I retired 12 months ago, but before that reduced my working hours then took long service leave. I found that it was important to have some structure to my day so now I work as a museum volunteer one to two days per week. As a result have met lots of new people. ” – Judy Yarrington

“There are times when it's lonely (being a single). But my motto is to accept invites, joined a club, do some volunteering, plan a holiday each year with a friend. Reconnect with school friends. Be positive, retirement is a new beginning.” – Dianne Mcintyre

“When I retired I had numerous volunteer organisations that wanted me and I could choose the ones I actually wanted to do. I am able to follow a regular health and exercise routine. I am as busy as I choose to be, and I have many other options if I choose to take one up. Retirement, I feel guilty at how good it is and the interests I follow now are mostly new ones I didn't have, didn't even know existed before.” – Julie West

“I learned that time speeds up incredibly. Fridays come around in the blink of an eye, lunchtime seems to happen just after I've gotten up and finished reading emails, Facebook etc. It's nearly Christmas again, yet I'm sure 2015 New Year was only a couple of months ago. Maybe Einstein had an explanation for it in his Theory of Relativity?” – Christine Ward

“Still trying to adjust to not feeling guilty when I do nothing in a day! But I’m enjoying it anyway!” – Helen Newton

“Retired 19 months ago; hubby 3 years ago. We haven't looked back, we are enjoying every minute, we each have hobbies, and we go caravanning, and are now in the middle of moving. Life is still busy, only in a different way. And best of all no rushing about getting ready for work.” – Les Trish Eden

“Everyone looks forward to retiring, but don't think ahead of what they will do. My husband was lost at first but started to volunteer, which helped him to meet new people and fill his time in making him happy. You need some sort of hobby! Women usually find it easier as they still have to look after the house and cook, and usually already have a hobby.” – Dorothy Conroy

“I love my retirement. I lost the stress and love my favourite saying, ‘I will do that tomorrow’. There’s no time limits and I can follow that rainbow.” – Teresa Ong

“I think the best lesson I have learned is not to feel guilty if I am ‘doing nothing’. I always felt I had to be doing ‘something’ all the time. Also, allowing myself time to get where I am going, instead of everything being a rushed experience. It’s time to smell the roses… and I am doing that.” – Jennifer Anderson

“I learned there is life after work, you just have to search out the person you really are and not who the workplace required. You have to find your interests. I have such a list to get through I need to live to approximately 150 years old... wish me luck!” – Kris Barber

“Once retired we felt that we were really living. Retired now for 23 years and still enjoying every minute. We’ve seen most of Australia as we travel 10 weeks every winter. There’s walking groups, family affairs, etc. Only downside is less money but hey the rest compensates for that.” – Beryl Emery

retirement, tips, lifestyle, retirement life, Over60 community, Retire