Melody Teh
Retirement Life

Super seniors: the 60-somethings that are fitter than ever

Gone are the days where turning 60 is a flag of physical decline. Nowadays many people round this corner fitter than ever. We’ve asked some of our fittest Over60 members to share their secrets to success. Use these stories as inspiration to set your own fitness goals and remain active, healthy and happy.

Di Fairbrother – Gym-goer

Di is the quintessential example of someone who has managed her finances and hasn’t let retirement stop her from reaching her fitness goals. A constant fixture at her local gym since 1989, Di continues to work out in high-intensity classes, setting an example for her fellow gym members.

“I don’t have to work at keeping motivated, I just am!” says Di, whose training commitment has helped her deal with a range of issues including low bone density. Yoga has helped her flexibility, pilates has strengthened her core and Body Attack classes have immeasurably improved her cardio.

Di completes all the high-intensity elements of Body Attack (of which she is the oldest participant at her class) providing inspiration for her classmates. Di’s story is an example of the value of setting a routine and sticking to it, and Di believes this has been the key to achieving success with her workouts.

“My advice to others is that you are never too late to start exercising,” says Di. “All you need to do is make it part of your everyday routine and once you’ve established a routine and realise how much better you feel in every way it just becomes part of your life.”

Vicki Hitchcock – Netballer

Vicki provides a shining example of how maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle as you age means you needn’t give up the things you enjoy most. An avid netballer, Vicki has played 49 consecutive years, the last 27 of which as a valued member of her local club, the Menai Hawks.

“Netball keeps me young to be honest,” reveals Vicki. “I feel nothing like my age. I feel like I’m in my mid-30s or 40s. I just find it’s a great game, it’s fast and interesting.”

Vicki relishes the competition and this, coupled with the camaraderie, brings her back time and time again.

“Four of us have played together for 20 years,” explains Vicki. “When we go away on netball weekends we never have an argument and we thoroughly enjoy it. We all have the same passion for netball.”

Netball can be tough on the joints, but remarkably Vicki has only picked up a couple of minor injuries in her time on the courts. Vicki attributes this to a healthy diet and the pilates classes she’s been taking once a week for the last 10 years, which helps her keep playing the sport she loves. 

Frieda Gamble – Golfer

Frieda got into golf relatively late in life, inspired by her late husband Roy who was passionate about the sport, and since then she’s never looked back. With steady stream of income in retirement, Frieda still manages to fit in regular rounds at Nowra Golf & Recreation Park.

Frieda says a healthy, active lifestyle has enabled her to enjoy the sport she’s fallen in love with.

“I make sure I take a walk every morning,” says Frieda. “We live around the corner from Culburra Beach and it is a nice stroll. Golf gives me relaxation and something to look forward to.”

As impressive as these achievements are, they would not be possible if Di, Vicki and Frieda weren’t managing their finances. Planning for retirement can be difficult, and sometimes it can be hard to determine whether or not you have enough put away to see you through the next through years.

The good news is AustralianSuper has a range of services set up to help you figure out whether or not you’re ready for retirement, including an income calculator, information on setting up an income stream and a range of friendly advice options. Ensuring your financial obligations are met will free you up with more time to meet your fitness goals and age healthily and happily.


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exercise, healthy, fit, retirement life, Super Seniors, AustralianSuper