Alex O'Brien
Retirement Life

8 tips to create the perfect retirement bucket list

They say in life only two things are certain: death and taxes. Sadly, as we get older, many of us find ourselves thinking, “Why didn’t I do that when I had the chance?” or “I feel like I’ve wasted so much time”. It’s time to banish those thoughts, because it’s never too late to achieve your dreams. Here are 8 easy tips to help you create the perfect list of things to do before you “kick the bucket”.

  1. Don’t write it all in one go – it can be tempting to sit down with a notepad and write everything that comes to mind, but crafting your list should be a process. Maybe stick it to the fridge and add any ideas you have over a few weeks, or even months.
  2. Plan early – the earlier you write your bucket list, the longer you’ll have to tick everything off. Simple!
  3. Set yourself a realistic timeframe – don’t expect to cross off an item a day. Think big with your ideas. This will give you enough time to prepare for each new adventure.
  4. Focus on more than just travel – yes, travelling is one of the best things money can buy, but it’s important to think about other goals you’d like to achieve. Perhaps you’d like to learn a language? Or maybe train a guide dog? Shape your list around what you’re interested in, there’s no point adding things just because everyone else has.
  5. Get inspired – read other bucket lists around the internet, they’re sure to give you some exciting new ideas.
  6. Make sure they all vary in levels of difficulty – just as you don’t want a list that will take decades to tick off, you don’t want one that can be done within a month.
  7. Share it with others – Post your list on Facebook or share it with your family and give them updates every time you cross something off. This will keep give you a sense of accountability which will keep you motivated.
  8. Enjoy – the whole point of a bucket list is to ensure that when you look back on your life, you can honestly say you’ve done everything you wanted to. So have fun!

What’s on your bucket list? Tell us in the comments below and inspire other members of the Over60 community!

Related links:

10 life-changing travel experiences

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life, retirement, bucket list, death, dreams