Danielle McCarthy
Retirement Life

Family, music and enjoying life in retirement

Retirement is a new and exciting phase of life where you have an opportunity to pursue interests, discover new passions and ultimately enjoy the things make you want to jump out of bed each day. By the same token, though, retirement simply isn’t a matter of collecting your gold watch and riding off into the sunset. The transition requires careful planning.

A recent retiree, Hernan is a great example of someone who’s taken appropriate steps to ensure he’s living a life he loves post-work.

The video tells the story of Hernan, who came to Australia from Chile in the 70s, and worked hard to provide a better life for his family. His determination paid off and he gave his children opportunities he never had. After 22 years of hard work behind the console at a petrol station, with his children grown up and supporting themselves, Hernan decided to make the big leap, giving full-time work the boot so he could dedicate more energy to his own interests.

Hernan says, “When I was in Chile, I never had the opportunity to join a band, a group. But when I came here, one day, my friend he offered to me, ‘Hernan, you have a good voice. Do you want to join us?’ I started with them singing the music from Chile.”

So, how did Hernan make the transition to retired life? Well, it helped to have a superannuation fund that offered strong returns*, low fees and advice.

Hernan says, “When I have the opportunity to have a choice, and I said, ‘No, you are no good. Hasta la vista baby.’ I moved to AustralianSuper. First, the fees were less than the other companies. If I'm called into an adviser, he or she will give me a lot of information. I'm just here for service, and this is the main reason why I'm with AustralianSuper.”

Hernan’s found himself in an enviable position where he can pursue his interests and passions, and really make the most of his golden years.

Hernan says, “I came here; I gave to my children a good education. They went to university. They have a very good job. Now, I'm waiting to be a grandfather, but they are a little bit lazy. I'm a musician. I'm an actor now. I'm singing. I pay my house. What more I want to do? Enjoy the life.”


*Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. This article has been sponsored by AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987, AFSL 233788, Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898.  The views expressed are those of Over60 and not AustralianSuper. For more information, visit australiansuper.com.

life, retirement, family, music, Aus super, enjoying