Melody Teh
Retirement Life

Woman donates five-pound note, worth £50,000, to charity

An elderly Northern Irish woman has donated a famous Jane Austen five-pound note, worth £50,000 ($NZD86,686), to charity.

Graham Short, a famous engraver, etched a four five pound notes with a tiny picture of the Pride and Prejudice author. Each one is estimated to be worth £50,000. 

So far, the Irish woman is the third person to find the note. She sent it back to the engraver with a note asking him to "help young people".

"£5 note enclosed, I don't need it at my time of life. Please use it to help young people," the woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, wrote.

Mr Short's website reads: "The lady who found the note has surprised us all by sending it to the gallery and asking that it be used to help young people. So Graham and the Gallery will be working closely together to do so.

"Currently contacting outlets connected to Children in Need to try and give this to a good cause so we honour the request of the lucky woman who originally discovered the note.

"Stay tuned for more information as the story develops over the following days!"

Mr Short told BBC the elderly woman did not want to be famous; she just wanted the money to go to a good cause.

“An old lady found it and she said 'I don't want my picture in the papers' and she said 'if it sells for a lot of money it will be better if young children could benefit from it',” Mr Short told the BBC.

There is still one note to be found. 

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retirement life, News