Alex O'Brien
Retirement Life

6 myths about life after retirement

Contrary to popular opinion, retirement isn’t all fun and games. Yes, there is more free time, but does that mean less stress and more time for hobbies? Here, we debunk some of the most common myths when it comes to retirement.

  1. You’ll be less stressed – Yes, you mightn’t have the pressure of work life to contend with, but who ever said your job was the only contributor to stress? Statistically speaking, retirees do experience less stress than employed people, but don’t expect your levels of stress to drop immediately after retiring. Use your newfound time to discover new methods of relaxation that you may not have previously had the time to explore.
  2. Your life will be filled with travelling and hobbies – As nice as this idea sounds, the reality is that pursuing these enjoyable pastimes is expensive. Don’t pressure yourself into doing these activities if you can’t afford it simply because it’s what you imagine other retirees to be doing.
  3. You’ll be healthier – Many people set themselves a health goal to achieve during retirement, thinking they’ll have all the time in the world to reach it. However, time isn’t always the most important factor – motivation is. If you weren’t motivated to exercise or eat healthy during your work days, retirement isn’t going to change that. Click here to learn the simple trick to exercising every day.
  4. Your standard of living won’t change – Unless you’ve got a small fortune saved up, most retirees will need to alter their lifestyle to fit in with their new limited funds. To keep up with your pre-retirement standard of living, start reading up on some money-saving tips or learn how you can make money online.
  5. You’ll improve your relationship with friends and family – Sadly, many retirees can find themselves in a post-work slump, causing them to withdraw from their loved ones. Click here to learn how you can avoid the retirement blues – after all, you don’t want to let this time go to waste when you could be spending more time with the loved ones.
  6. You’ll retire when you choose – Unfortunately, many people find themselves in a situation where they are forced to retire long before they want to. That’s why it’s essential to begin planning years before you leave work – just in case.

What advice do you have for over-60s approaching retirement? Share your tips with us in the comment section below.

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life, retirement, happiness, myths