
Woman's family betrayal after waking up from coma

A woman in Brazil has been left devastated after fighting her way through a coma only to discover her husband was cheating on her with her own mother.

Kamylla Wanessa Cordeiro de Melo, 25, claims she met the man of her dreams, who was 10 years older than her and they "fell in love".

They married in 2013 and she gave birth to a son after a "complicated pregnancy".

Things fell apart later as she suffered a stroke four years later after bariatric surgery.

“At the end of 2017, I needed to have bariatric surgery,” Kamylla told Brazilian news outlet No Amazonas é assim.

“The idea was not to lose weight but to take care of my hormonal rates. After operating, I had a stroke and needed to be hospitalised again.”

After the surgery, she fell into a coma for 78 days.

Instead of her family rallying around her, Kamylla claims that her mother stole her husband and then married him.

“During this period, my mother – I swear I can’t call her a mother anymore – went to my house to help my husband take care of my son who at the time, was four years old,” Kamylla told Marie Claire, according to The Sun.

“Only later did I learn that in the four months I spent in the hospital, much of the time between life and death, my ex had only visited me twice and my mother, none.”

After she woke, Kamylla's father picked her up from the hospital and said his wife was having an affair with her husband.

“It looked like he was being stabbed in the chest, a mixture of disappointment and disbelief,” Kamylla said of her father when he told her what happened.

She claimed that the relationship with her mother had always been "rocky", claiming that her mother started "competing" with her when she was a teenager.

“As a teenager, around 13, 14 years old, my mother started to compete with me,” she said.

“(She) said that my clothes were better suited to her, that her food was better … Nothing I did was good enough.”

To add insult to injury, her mum and ex-husband don't even try to hide their relationship and proudly flaunt it.

“I recently learned that my mother is keen to celebrate their relationship anniversary on March 2, without even disguising that she started going out with my then-husband while I was in the hospital,” Kamylla said.

However, the mother and son have been able to move on and live happy lives despite the "toxic" situation.

Photo credits: news.com.au

woman, family, coma, betrayal