The dont's of dating
The dating game can be a tricky one - navigating your own feelings, being mindful of someone else's and all of this combined with wanting to meet someone but trying not to give off the wrong impression or move too quickly. Here are a few pointers on what not to do when dating...
Don’t be too full on, too quickly
While no one likes to play games, there is something to be said of playing it cool. Don’t give it all away too soon, sit back and enjoy the experience of meeting someone and getting to know them before you make any decisions. Once you’re getting comfortable with someone else, then you can start to think about how you want things to play out and what you want to share with the other person.
Don’t start planning your future together after the first date
While some people love to plan away their days, this type of forward thinking and mapping things out isn’t for everyone and it can scare people off.
Don’t believe everything you hear
Of course we all want to see the best in everyone and believe people are being truthful, but unfortunately this is not always the case. If you have friends in common, it can’t hurt to politely and casually enquire about someone you are seeing or want to get involved with. Otherwise, just proceed with caution and if something doesn’t feel right, then don’t ignore your instincts.
Don’t talk about your past relationships
While our previous experiences shape us and may have been a big part of our lives, it is best not to place much, if any, focus on this until after you get to know someone better. And make sure to never speak ill of an ex, this will only make the other person wonder what you might say about them.
Don’t be unreliable
No one appreciates not being able to rely on someone. Do what you say you’re going to do and when you said you would do it, too. Everyone likes someone they can count on. It will instil trust in you early on!
Don’t take anyone for granted
Never assume someone is available or has nothing better to be doing with their time and energy. Always respect people and pay them the same courtesies you would like to be paid.