Alex O'Brien

The best places to meet new people

Are you looking to make new friends? Staying social in your 60s and beyond is important for your health and wellbeing, but there’s no doubt meeting new people can be difficult. Here are a few of the best places to meet new people.

Over60 Catch-ups

If you’re a member of the Over60 Facebook page or the Over60 Forums you’ve no doubt made some virtual friends. Did you know you can now take your online friends to real life with our recently launched Over60 Catch-ups? It’s easy to arrange a Catch-up, whether it’s to meet for a cuppa at a café, to go for bush walk together, or to go see the latest films. It’s also a great opportunity to meet over-60s in your area and make new friends. If you don’t want to arrange a catch-up, why not have a look at what other catch-ups are in your area?

For a step-by-step guide to organising an Over60 Catch-up or to find one in your area, click here.

Hobby groups

Do you have a passion for cooking, craft or books? Why not join a hobby group in your area. Not only is a great way to learn some new skills, but in the social setting of learning new skills it’s easy to strike up a conversation with others in the group. A shared passion is a great instigator of lifelong friendships. Check out the Over60 Catch-up page for events in your area here or to consider creating your own hobby catch-up. 

Volunteer your time

Volunteering your time at a charity or organisation for a cause you believe in is another great way to meet likeminded people with similar interests. Figure out what causes you feel passionate about and research your options. From long-term commitments to helping at a few one-off events, charitable organisations are often flexible with how much time you want to commit.

Become a “regular” somewhere

Do you always see the same friendly faces at the dog park? Why not strike up a conversation with the owners. Perhaps you always frequent the same pub and see other locals there? There is something about being comfortable in a place that gives you the confidence to chat to new people. If you see the same familiar faces in places you regularly visit, start a conversation with them!

Related links:

Over60 Catch-ups are bringing people together

Making friends at any age

6 ways to make friends when you’re 60-plus

meeting people, friendship, relationships, friends, Over60 Catch-ups