Danielle McCarthy

6 signs it’s time to call it quits on a relationship

How do you know when you’ve reached the end of a relationship? Look out for these six common signs.

1. You don’t feel like yourself

A relationship is not just one homogenous entity, it is made up of two separate people. If you feel like you’ve lost your spark, are unhappy or have lost your way, take a good look at your relationship. Problems as a couple can quickly spill over into you as an individual and you may start to wonder what benefit you are getting out of this pairing.

2. You’re both constantly critical

Couples on the edge will constantly pick at each other. Bad habits that used to be mildly irritating are now enough to start a screaming match. It can get to a point where the only things that come out of your mouth are criticisms and this will start to wear down your partner. Be especially aware of criticising your partner in front of others – it’s uncomfortable for everyone present. Do a mental stocktake and see if the only thoughts you have about your partner are negative.

3. There’s no more intimacy

And we don’t just mean sex (though that is important). Intimacy ranges from little things like holding hands, cuddling or even sitting close to each other on the couch to sexual attraction or physical arousal toward your partner. If you find that these everyday affectionate moments are missing, and have been for some time, then your relationship is probably not healthy.

4. You don’t laugh together anymore

Humour is one of the great building blocks of relationships, so you should be concerned if you no longer feel you can have a laugh with your partner. Laughing is good for the soul and to be able to joke around as a couple is a source of joy. You may find that you don’t feel like laughing at all anymore or that your partner is in fact laughing at you, rather than with you.

5. Your self-confidence is low

In a good relationship, you feel like the best possible version of yourself. Your partner should make you feel physically attractive, listen to your opinions and support you in your endeavours. When this stops happening, your self confidence will take a hit. And it can quickly become a self-fulfilling prophecy – when you no longer feel attractive you can start to take less pride in your appearance.

6. You feel trapped

Relationships should make you feel supported, enabled and fulfilled. You should feel like you are getting more out of being a pair than you would alone. If instead you feel like a relationship is trapping you, preventing you from being the person you want to be and restricting your life, then it’s time to get out. A relationship should not be a cage.

Would you add anything else to the list? Share your experience in the comments below.

advice, signs, relationship, end, quit