Melody Teh

The joys of sex after 60

One of the biggest myths out there is over-60s aren’t interested in sex anymore. We know that’s just not true. Sure, sex is different to your younger years but intimacy doesn’t (and shouldn’t) have to stop just because you reach a certain birthday. If you still need convincing, here are four good reasons why getting busy in the bedroom can be better than ever in your sixties and beyond.

You have more time

Some of us are retired, some semi-retired, some not at all but all of us no longer have to worry about career progression and children to raise and support. It means more time, freedom and energy to enjoy relationships, likely in a way that wasn’t possible when you’re tired, stressed and concerned about raising families and working.

There’s less fear, more confidence

The youths may think they’ve got the sex thing all figured out but remember the insecurity, self-doubt and uncertainly that plagued those early years? Did you do it right? Do I look attractive? Was it ok? Those thoughts vanish when you’re comfortable and with yourself, a confidence that accumulates with years of living.

You’ve got some experience up your sleeve

There’s been enough trial and error, there’s been enough experimentation and exploration by the time you reach your 60s. You know what makes you happy, you know what you want and you know how to go about it. That experience and self-possession are all the ingredients you need for great sex.

There’s so many health benefits

We know that as we age we need to keep physically active. But while it might be difficult to muster up the motivation to go for a jog or a swim, would you say the same about some bedroom exercises? Sex after sixty is not only healthy but numerous studies have found that it reduces blood pressure, stress levels and even the risk of heart attack. 

dating, love, relationships, Sex, Intimacy