Danielle McCarthy

Can 36 questions make you fall in love again? Watch these senior couples try

How can you scientifically study something like love? Well, psychologist Arthur Aron has been researching it for over 50 years with his wife Elaine, and together, they developed three dozen questions designed to bring people closer together and strengthen ties. In fact, the Arons were able to make two strangers fall in love in a lab.

In 2015, the questions reappeared in a New York Times column and subsequently went viral – you can read them here – and just a couple of months ago, they returned to the spotlight once again when the newspaper posed the questions to a group of senior couples.

The aim? To make them fall in love again – or simply fall even deeper in love than they already were. So, how did it turn out? Watch the video below to find out!

Image credit: The New York Times.

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