Alex O'Brien

How to organise an Over60 catch-up

Did you know Over60 has a Catch-up section? It’s a place where Over60 community members can arrange to meet up with fellow member’s offline. From catching up for coffee to getting together for bush walk, the Over60 Catch-ups is a great way to connect with people from the Over60 community.

So if you’re looking to expand your horizons and make friends with other over-60s in your area, here’s a step-by-step guide to organising your Over60 Catch-up.

  1. Go to the Over60 website and on the top header under the Community tab click Catch-ups tab.  
  2. Once you’re on the Catch-ups page, there will be a list of upcoming Catch-ups around Australia. To create a Catch-up click New Catch-up. You will be asked to login to your Over60 account. If you’re not an Over60 member, signing up is quick and easy and gives you access to special “members-only” offers and discounts. Plus, we’ll keep you up to date with the Over60 newsletter. The best part is, membership is completely free!
  3. Once you login to your account, you will be then taken to a new page to create your event. Enter the details of your catch-up, including the title, date, address, RSVP details and description. Click Create Catch-up.
  4. Your event will now appear on the Catch-ups page.

Tips to create a good Catch-up:

Get in touch with Over60 at and we’ll help promote your Catch-up to the Over60 community through Facebook and our newsletters.

Read about how the Over60 Canberra Catch-up is bringing people together and creating life-long friendships along the way.

Related links:

Over60 Catch-ups are a great way to make new friends

Why friendships are important in your 60s

Great conversation starters for any situation

Over60 Catch-ups, friendship, friends, meeting people, relationships