Alex O'Brien

How to make friends in a new place

Whether you’ve made a sea change in retirement, relocated to be closer to your family, or moved homes due to unforeseen circumstances, moving to a new place can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. There are new sights to explore, restaurants to discover, and new friends to make. Except it can be difficult to meet new people when you’re brand new to a place. Where do you even begin? 

But when you’re in your 60s and beyond, it’s actually more important than ever to maintain your social connections. Having a strong friendship group is good for your health and wellbeing and it’s even been proven to help you live longer. It’s all too common to move to a new place and start feeling lonely, but if that’s the case, you need to make sure you prioritise meeting new people. Here are a few good ways to start:

1. Be a good neighbour

Have you met your neighbours yet? Hearken back to the good old days by knocking on their door to introduce yourself as the new neighbour in town. Invite them over for a tea and chat.

2. Join a hobby group

It’s the obvious suggestion, but it’s one guaranteed to put you in contact with like-minded people who enjoy the same interests as you! The best conversation starter is a shared passion.

3. Visit local community centres

Check with your local council for programs, services and activities they offer to the community. Many have senior-specific programs and groups to join.

4. Use the power of social media

Often we meet new people through mutual friends, but that’s often not possible when you’ve moved to a new place. Luckily, the power of social media transcends location, so tap into that network and ask your friends and family if they know anyone in your area.

5. Check out Over60 Catch-ups

Did you know Over60 recently launched a Catch-ups section to our website? It’s a place where you can find out what events are happening all across Australia, or start your own Catch-up to meet fellow over-60s. With so many online friendships springing from our pages and people looking to connect with other over-60s near them, we wanted to help make meeting up with fellow Over60 community members in your area easy!

How to organise a Catch-up:

  1. Visit the Over60 website and click Catch-ups in the menu bar at the top of your page. 
  2. Once you’re on the Catch-ups page, click “New Catch-up”. You will be asked to login to your Over60 account.
  3. You will then be taken to a new page to create your event. Enter the details of your catch-up, including the title, date, address, RSVP details and description. Click “Create Catch-up”.
  4. Your event will now appear on the “Catch-ups” page. 

How to find a Catch-up in your area:

  1. Visit the Over60 website and click Catch-ups in the menu bar at the top of your page
  2. A list of all upcoming Catch-ups will be listed. Click on the event to find out more information.
  3. To narrow the listing down to your area, at the top of the page you can type in your suburb and postcode, as well as the category of catch-up you’re looking for.

Related links:

Over60 Catch-ups are bringing people together

6 ways to make friends when you’re 60-plus

3 easy ways to connect with friends and family on Facebook

friends, friendship, relationships, meeting people, Over60 Catch-ups