Ben Squires

The essential traits of good friends

Friends – we all have them, but how many of those friends can you truly count on? We all make many friends throughout life but the friends that are good and true are the ones that you’ll always have a special bond with, no matter how much time has passed. True friends are the ones that guide and support you through life’s ups and downs, the ones that you can always have a good belly laugh with and the one that you always want to share special moments with. They bring love, support, and most importantly, genuine friendship. When distilled to the very core, these are the ten traits that make a good friend.

  1. Trustworthiness
  2. Honesty
  3. Dependability
  4. Loyalty
  5. Empathy
  6. Non-judgmental
  7. Good listening skills
  8. Supportive in good and bad times
  9. Fun to be around
  10. Ability to see humour in life

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