
Best relationship advice from the Over60 community

We asked about the best relationship advice you’ve received on our Facebook page. Below are some of the most insightful responses.

“Communication and trust my dad used to say. And don’t go mouthing your private business to your friends.”- Annette Clark

“Say ‘I love you’ everyday. You are never sure when it could be your last.” - Pam Garmony

“Whilst he is your whole life you’ll only ever be part of his. Told to me when I was sixteen and madly in love with my new boyfriend, by a mature work colleague. We have been married for 58 years and I have never been ‘clingy’.”- Val Woodrow

“Don’t let work get in the way of your relationship.”- Lesley Back

“You don’t know anybody until you live with them.” - Sandy Hemington

“Don’t try to change your partner. Love them for who they are.” - David Peters

“Don’t let the sun go down on your wrath.” - Yvonne Day

“Never sleep on an argument!” - Gwenda Jeffrey

“Don’t sweat the small stuff.” - Toni Kirkpatrick

Relationships, tips, marriage