Ben Squires
Home & Garden

10 surprising ways to use hairspray at home

Turns out hairspray doesn’t just keep your hairdo in place, it can also double-duty to do these 10 tricks around the home.

1. Help you thread a needle

Spray the tip of thread and pinch it. This will stiffen the string so you can get it through the eye of the need in one go.

2. Stop runs in stockings

If you spot a hole in your pantyhose, stop a run from forming by spritzing it with a little hairspray.

3. Protect grandkid’s artworks

When the grandkids present you with their masterpieces of artwork, preserve it with a light mist of hairspray. This will prevent pencils, crayons and so on from smudging over time.

4. Eliminate clothing static

Spritz a little hairspray onto hands and rub over your clothes to reduce static without damaging your fabric.

5. Keep loose zippers up

If you have a pair of jeans where the zipper keeps slipping down a quick spritz of hairspray on the zipper and teeth with help keep them up.

6. Remove lint/pet hair

No lint roller? No problems. Spray some hairspray on a paper towel or cloth and run it over the offending areas.

7. Repel insects

Shoot flies and mozzies with some hairspray to kill them in no time.

8. Prolong the life of flowers

Extend the life of your bunch of flowers with a generous spray of hairspray when you place them in the vase. This will stiffen the blooms and give you at least an extra day of blossoms.

9. Get rid of ink stains

Spray the ink-stained area with hairspray and allow to soak for few minutes. Use an old toothbrush to scrub the strain out. This trick works on clothes, walls, countertops and other surfaces.

10. Tame eyebrows

Use a small amount of hairspray on your finger to smooth unruly brows.

lifestyle, Home & Garden, Hairspray, Uses