Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

7 unusual uses for artificial lawn

Sometimes the joy of home-making is the chance to get creative. The very material you use for a beautiful no-maintenance artificial lawn has a few other unusual uses you may not have considered before. Here are just a few suggestions:

1. Balcony surface

Do you have a terrace or balcony? Why not give it a more outdoor feel by carpeting it with artificial turf? Better yet if you have space for a rooftop garden, give it the true garden feel by installing a layer of artificial lawn.

2. Backyard golf

Any golf fans at home? You could set up a private putting area. It can be tucked away in the basement or spare room; simply set up a patch of lawn and measure out a hole and you are good to go!

3. Pool surrounds

Reduce the slippery surfaces around the outdoor pool by setting up turf around the perimeter. Then you can splash all you like without worry about mopping up afterwards!

4. Playground Cover

If you have a play set for the grandkids in your backyard, setting turf underneath will make the area safer – or at least minimise any inevitable mishaps. It will also help to give some traction to hyperactive kids so they will have less falls (at least that’s the theory!).

5. Pet cushion

Line the critter crates! Do you have a rabbit, dog, parrot, or snake? Any pet would love to have artificial lawn to cushion their crates and lay down on when they have to rest up.

6. Wall décor

If you want to get really creative, go all out. Make an indoor garden by lining the walls, floors, or ceilings to really create that green feel. If that’s too much, design a mural with the grass sectioned along one wall. Or simply accent the room with patches of turf on the ceiling fan panels, the lampshades, covering a chair, or as a background for a water element.

7. Grass replacement

Lastly you can use your artificial lawn as … an artificial lawn. An easy, eternally green, mud-free, and maintenance-free solution to lawn care!

First appeared on Australian Outdoor Living. Find more great tips on gardening and design at their website here.

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home, garden, Lawn, grass, artificial