Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

The shocking truth about germs in your kitchen sponge

Damp sponges, dish clothes and tea towels, are the ideal environment for germs to thrive. Research shows that illness-causing bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli and staphylococcus are found on 15 to 20 per cent of household sponges and cloths.

Sponges are so germ-ridden that experts have said it’s more hygienic not to clean your mug than wipe it with a kitchen sponge, if you are the only one who drinks from it.

The main source of bacteria on your kitchen sponge is foods of animal origin. One study found salmonella on a chopping board that had been used to cut turkey 12 days prior.

Milk, eggs, fruit and vegetables can also have bacteria present, although meat is the common cause.

Dr Charles Gerba, a microbiologist from the University of Arizona explained why households are not constantly getting ill from using our kitchen sponges.

“It’s a gamble — you have to get the right bacteria in the right food or on your hands, and the right bacteria have to be growing in the sponge at the time you use it,” Dr Gerba told Coach.

“The goal is to keep the odds in your favour.”

Getting sick from foodborne bacteria is still common and 80per cent of foodborne illness originate in the home from mishandling food.

How to clean your kitchen sponge

A 2014 study in Mexico found that the chance of contracting a foodborne illness is reduced a hundredfold by soaking sponges and dish cloths in bleach.

The study observed 60 homes over six weeks with half of the households not changing their kitchen habits.

The other group soaked sponges and cloths in bleach solution for five minutes and then let the dry on the counter, usually cleaning them twice a day.

Dr Gerba explains other ways to sanitize your sponge that have the same impact as soaking it in bleach.

“From research, the best options are using a disinfectant cleaner for the kitchen, washing the sponge in the dishwasher, or microwaving it damp for 30 seconds.”

To find your home essentials head to the Over60 Shop for high-quality offerings.

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