Michelle Reed
Home & Garden

4 ways to save money on your morning shower

Everyone needs to shower but there are still a few ways to make your wash more environmentally friendly and save you money as well.

1. Take shorter showers

Let’s begin with the most obvious way to save water and energy: take shorter showers. Now there are times where a long shower is needed, but most of the time a five minute shower is sufficient. If you cut your shower time to four minutes, it cuts the average household’s water usage by up to 20 per cent.

2. Get the right temperature

A lot of water and energy is wasted by people trying to get the shower temperature just right. Install a mixer tap, which sets the water temperature, to combat this. Otherwise, check that your hot water thermostat is not set too high – adding cool water to hot water wastes energy.

3. Use a water-efficient showerhead

Did you know the average the showerhead uses around 12 to 22 litres of water per minute? In comparison, a three-star-rated showerhead uses nine litres per minutes. Changing to a water-efficient showerhead can save you more than 26 litres of water for a seven minute shower. That equates to a saving of 9,000 litres of water per year.

4. Invest in the right hot water system

Since heating your water can account for up to a quarter of your energy use, it pays to have the right hot water system. Do your research and you might find a better system that saves energy, money and is good for the environment.

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home, save money, Energy, Bills