Home & Garden

Make beautiful leaf-shaped stepping-stones

If you want to explore more of your garden, but don’t want to get dirt all over your shoes – you desperately need some stepping-stones. But who wants boring pavers ruining the look of their glorious garden? With these simple instructions, you can make your own beautiful, truly unique stepping stones using leaves from your very own garden.

What you’ll need:


  1. Choose your favourite large leaves from around the garden – ensuring they are firm, and don’t have any holes or tears.
  2. Wearing rubber gloves, make your concrete according to the instructions. Use a lightweight mix (with less gravel) for a smother stepping stone, or a heavier mix if the stone will be in a high-traffic area. The consistency should be on the firmer, drier side.
  3. Spray the front of the leaf with your cooking oil (this helps it peel off later).
  4. Place the wet concrete onto the leaf, and use your hands to pat it down and remove any air bubbles. Try to ensure the concrete fills the shape of the leaf completely.
  5. Allow the concrete to dry according to instructions.
  6. When the concrete is completely hard, peel off the leaf and you’re done. Any unwanted rough bits around the edges can be removed using a small hammer and chisel.

Image credits: The OwnerBuilder Network / SuzyHomefaker

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DIY, gardening, stepping stone, leaf