Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

How to warm up your house without a heater

There’s nothing worse than being cold, especially when you’re trying to relax inside on a winter’s day! While the usual tricks of switching on the heater and closing up the windows work a treat, there are bunches of other ways to stay warm without an astronomical heating bill. Try one of these on for size this month.

  1. Close things up – Unused rooms in your house? Shut them off. Keeping doors closed won’t just prevent cold air from moving into the rest of the house it’ll actually help contain the heat you’ve already generated.
  2. Change your sheets – There’s nothing better than a snugly warm bed in winter. Switching your standard cotton sheets for the flannelette variety and adding a couple of heavy blankets are a simple way to stay warm without the need for a heater.
  3. Consider a rug – An eye-catching rug may add to your interior styling but it can also be a valuable asset against the cold. Your floor accounts for up to 10 per cent of heat loss if not properly insulated making a rug an easy and affordable barrier against the cold.
  4. Turn off your bathroom fan – Got an exhaust fan running in the bathroom or kitchen? Turn it off! Exhaust fans are designed to pull hot air out of your home, the opposite of what you want to achieve. If you do need to run them, do so sparingly.
  5. Go back to basics – When was the last time you popped a hot water bottle on your tootsies or used a heat pack to stay snug? These “old fashion” ways to stay warm may seem quaint but they work fantastically well (and cheaply!).
  6. Rug yourself up – All the home warming in the world won’t do any good if you’re wandering around under dressed. Jackets, long sleeve tops, hats and dressing gowns are all perfect insulation against the cold. Focusing on heating up yourself can give you that warm feeling while also helping slash your heating bills.

How do you stay warm in winter? Any tips and tricks to share? Tell us in the comments below.

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home, winter, warm, heating, electricity