Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

Guide to growing sprouts

Sprouts are easy to grow and are a great way to add essential vitamins and enzymes to your diet. Sprouts offer a range of great tastes as you can serve them raw or steam some such as lentils, soybeans and chickpeas. Growing sprouts is also very economical as they can multiply by up to 15 times their weight. Here is how you can easily grow them. 

How to grow them

Spouts can be produced all year round but the best weather for germination is between 20°C - 28°C.

You can grow spouts in trays, jars or sprouting bags. Multi-tiered speed sprouting trays create the perfect growing conditions and take up minimal space in your kitchen. All you need to add to the kitchen seed spouting kit is water and seeds.

1. Spread about 1 tablespoon of seeds in one or more of the four clear plastic trays.

2. Stack the clear trays on top of the bottom tray and pour enough water into the top tray to cover the outlet

3. This will commence the syphoning action and water will drain down through each of the trays and outlets

4. Once the water has drained, empty any excess water from the bottom tray. The water that stays in the clear trays is enough to provide the necessary humidity for successful seed germination. Water in this way at least 2-3 times each day.

Once your sprouts you are ready you can store them in the fridge. Before you put them in the fridge, drain them and put them in a container that breathes.

Do you grow sprouts? Let us know in the comments below.

To find your garden essentials, including the seed sprouting kit mentioned above, head to the Over60 Shop for high-quality offerings.

home, garden, Grow, shop, over60, how, to, sprouts