Home & Garden

8 things you didn’t know about Tupperware

Tupperware: It’s the household product everybody has, but how much do you really know about the iconic containers? Here are eight fun facts you may not have known.

1. Tupperware was invented by Earl Tupper in 1938.

Tupper’s landscaping business closed during the Great Depression and he found work in a plastic factory.

2. The lid design was inspired by a paint can.

The partial vacuum seal which kept food fresh revolutionised the container industry.

3. Wonderbowl, the first product, introduced the “burp seal”

The original Tupperware made a burping sound when the lid sealed.

4. Tupperware originally failed to sell in stores.

Customers didn’t understand the design on the lids. Since nobody was buying in stores, the Tupperware party was introduced.

5. The first Tupperware party was held in 1949.

Brownie Wise from Detroit went to Tupper with the idea of holding parties where people could show friends how Tupperware worked.

6. Tupperware is named as one of the greatest inventions of the 20th Century by Guinness Book of World Records.

The Rubik’s Cube and Walkman also made the list.

7. Today, a Tupperware party is held every 1.4 seconds somewhere around the world.

Tupperware parties are still as popular as ever.

8. It’s still a billion-dollar industry

In 2014, Tupperware Brand Crops made $2.61 billion in revenue.

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Home, Tupperware, Containers, Fun facts