Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

The food scraps you should be eating

Did you know that Kiwis discard 122,547 tonnes of food a year? That's enough to feed around 262,917 people, or the population of the Bay of Plenty for 12 months. The average household sends around 79kg of edible food to landfills every year, costing the average household $563 a year. Bread, fruit and vegies, and meal leftovers are the most commonly discarded foods.

There is plenty that we can do to reduce the amount of food we waste. Without knowing it, we are often discarding the best parts of the fruit and vegetables. The skins, peels, stalks and rinds are often full of flavour, and more importantly, full of vitamins and nutrients.

How to save money and reduce your footprint

What food scraps are good to eat?

How do you re-use your leftover scraps? Let us know in the comments below.

Written by Anthia Koullouros. First appeared on

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diet, health, food, vegetables, scraps