Georgia Dixon
Home & Garden

5 surprising uses for butter

We all know that butter has so many incredible uses in the kitchen but here are some uses of butter that you may not already know about.

1. Swallow pills

Swallowing big pills can sometimes be a tricky feat. In order to make it easier for your pill to go down, coat the pill in a thin layer of butter. This will especially help the pills that don’t already have a coating.

2. Prevent cheese mould

Very rarely will anyone go through an entire cheese in one sitting. To prevent your cheese from going hard or start moulding, put a thin coat of butter on the cheese after you cut it. This trick will have the best results on hard cheeses.

3. Preserve onions

If you cut an onion in half and want to keep one half, coat butter on the exposed side of the onion. Once you do this, store the onion in the fridge and your onion will be kept fresh for longer.

4. De-stress cats

This trick will come in handy when you are entertaining. If your cat is becoming stressed because people are over, take its mind off people by putting some butter on its paws. This will leave your cat distracted as it spends time cleaning itself. Cats can eat butter but don’t feed it to them too often! 

5. Stop liquid from boiling over

Stop your pot of liquid from boiling over by adding a bit of butter. Before you add any, make sure it will go with whatever you are cooking up.

What are the tricks that you use butter for? Let us know in the comments below.

home, food, kitchen, butter, Uses