Michelle Reed
Home & Garden

Smart gadgets that will help you save on energy

With the rising cost in energy bills, these innovative energy-saving gadgets are a much-needed money saver.

Smart bulbs – Lightbulbs have come a long way over the past few decades, and the latest in energy saving technology is the Phillip Hue LED light. Using a smart system, you can adjust the brightness and timing of your lights or set them to specific activities such as “reading” and even use them as alerts for incoming emails.

Smart showers – Water and energy saving shower innovations are now available in many varieties. One option lessens the flow of cold water as your shower heats up until you pull a chord signalling a strong water stream. Another device sits next to your drain measuring the amount of water that runs through and alerts you when you’ve used a certain amount, encouraging conservation of both energy and water.

Electricity monitors – The TED electricity monitor allows you to track your electricity usage on your smart device in real time. You can use the program to turn circuits and appliances on and off. The innovation claims to help you save five to 30 per cent annually for $199.95 a year.

Smart thermostats – Thermostats have gotten smarter too, with designs available that learn how and when your household uses heat/cooling, creating a plan for optimum savings.

Smart outlets – Since much of your electricity bill comes from plugged in, unused gadgets around the house, smart outlets cut costs by turning these off automatically when they aren’t being utilised.

Related links:

4 ways to save money on your energy bills

Can the hour you do your washing affect your energy bill? 8 energy saving tips

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Technology, money, lifestyle, saving, Energy