Fiona Tomarchio
Home & Garden

The energy check-up everyone should do on their home

One of the most expensive household bills many of us face is our energy bill. Gas and electricity prices seem to be rising more often than falling, and although many of us can make savings by switching energy suppliers, the fact is that more often than not, we are too busy or put off by the idea of comparing different gas and electricity companies.

But luckily there are other ways that we can save money on our energy bills. Some are simple tips that will help you to reduce costs for heating, cooling, lighting, water heating and appliances, and others may be investments that will take some time to start showing a result, but may be worth it in the long run. Performing an energy check on your home is also a smart thing to do as it will highlight areas where you may be spending more than you realise and how you can make savings.

Tips to save on heating and cooling costs

Tips to save on hot water and appliance costs

Tips to save on lighting costs

In addition to following all or some of these useful tips, it may also be worth checking if there are any grants available in your area to help you switch to renewable energy or solar power.

Furthermore, spending just 30 minutes on doing an online energy check is a great way to see where you might be able to save more money in your home. Simply Energy has an easy-to-use energy check-up tool, which sends a tailored report to your inbox with helpful insights and recommendations. All you need are some of your current energy bills and to provide some information about your home, so why not see if you could save money on your energy bills this year?

energy, energy savings, energy bills, save money, save energy, winter, tips, gas, electricity