Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

DIY cubic planter tower

Cool cacti and symmetric succulents are good choices for small pots and as easy-care indoor plants. They need little water and their chunky structural shapes are striking.

What you need:


Step 1: Mask the painted areas in your chosen design. 

Step 2: The correct undercoat will depend on the composition of your pots (eg: For cement-based pots, use a concrete primer) 

Apply the undercoat using a small roller or brush, allow to dry. 

Step 3: Top coat with your chosen colours. I used masking tape to create the striped effect.

Step 4: Allow to dry, carefully remove the masking tape. Coat with sealer to provide a more durable finish. 

Written by Rosie Hughes. First appeared on Stuff.co.nz. Image credit: Rosie Hughes/Stuff.co.nz.

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garden, diy, plants, Cubic planter tower