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How to use colour in your garden to influence your mood

When there’s a garden, there’s colour and when there’s colour, there’s personality. Master the art of making colourful plant combinations for a garden that reflects you.

Colourful moods

Certain colours evoke a certain atmosphere and add “feeling” to a garden. Working with colours through your garden allows you to determine what mood you want to create for your green space. Here are some tips on what ambience certain colour combinations create…

Cool and calming: Try a combination of soothing blues and white flowers for a peaceful and contemplative space.  

Soft and romantic: Pink and mauves add a lovely romantic and harmonious note to the garden.

Warm and striking: Experiment with splashes of exuberant reds, oranges and yellows for a bold and striking garden.

Designing with colour

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gardening, colour, guide, tips, plants, flowers