Home & Garden

6 of the most beautiful but deadly flowers

The beauty of nature often hides a sinister secret. Although these flowers look like they’d be nice in a vase at home, they could actually kill you.

Autumn crocus

With its delicate petals and vivid tones, this flower certainly doesn’t appear dangerous. However, it contains hazardous levels of colchicine, a toxic chemical that is similar to arsenic poisoning. It causes vomiting, diarrhoea, a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, and in severe cases, liver and kidney failure.

Angel’s trumpet

These lovely hanging flowers contain scopolamine, a highly dangerous chemical which is said to produce a “zombie” effect rendering you docile and unable to retain memories. In large doses, it can cause hallucinations.

Lily of the valley

Found in Asia and Europe, the beautiful bell-shaped flower contains dangerous toxins that slow heart rate and causes vomiting and abdominal cramps.


Also known as dead man’s bells, this flower induces nausea, convulsions, delirium and, in severe cases, arrhythmic heartbeat and tremors.

White snakeroot


These fragile flowers belie a deadly secret: it contains tremetol, a toxin that is so poisonous that it can prove fatal in humans who drink the milk of a cow who has eaten this plant.


The vibrant monkshood contains a deadly poison, pseudaconitine, which if ingested leads to death. Even touching the plant with bare hands can cause numbness, cardiovascular hypotension and asphyxia.

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