Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

A guide to Mediterranean plants

Thinking about sprucing up the garden now its spring? Mediterranean plants will make the perfect addition as they are stylish, low maintenance and easy to grow. Particularly thriving well in our country’s climate, Mediterranean plants survive both the hot dry summers and the cool wet winters.  Offering a beautiful array of colours, textures and scents, plants of this variety are ideal for creating a little paradise in your garden. Here are some suggestions to get you going.


Olive trees

Olive trees are the most well-known Mediterranean tree and with good reason; the thick grey foliage makes a beautiful backdrop in gardens and will last a life time. They usually grow to around five metres and do very well across Australia. Olives can be pruned into large standards or hedges.

Growing conditions: Full sun, will grow well in most soils but needs good drainage.

Double flowering cherry plum

The beautiful pink flower and the vase shape of this plant make it popular around the world. They generally grow to around three to four metres and will live for many years. The cherry plum is a great ornamental addition to any garden.

Growing condition: Full to partial sun, fertile, deep soil that is not highly alkaline.



The rockrose is sure to lighten any garden with their vibrant colours – pink, rose, yellow or white depending on species – and aromatic fragrance. They are tough shrub so minimal maintenance is needed and it will fare well in heat, wind and drought. Ranging in sizes from small to large, you’ll be sure to find one to fit your garden.

Growing condition: Full sun, very well drained soil

Silver wormwood

There are many attractive versions of the wormwood but our favourite is the silver wormwood. It has a unique and alluring silver foliage which will make your garden sparkle in the light.

Growing condition: Full sun, well-drained soil.

Kitchen/garden plants


Nothing says Mediterranean garden like a lemon tree. Most varieties grow between two and three metres in height and can be grown virtually anywhere in Australia. They are a hardy tree but in exceptionally dry times, help the tree out by watering it well.

Growing condition: Full sun.


A great Mediterranean shrub for your garden and your kitchen alike, it’s not only an indispensable herb for cooking but provides a wafting fragrance in the breeze. The dainty mauve and blue tubular flowers will also make a pretty addition to your garden. Any herb such as sage, thyme and lavender would complement your Mediterranean paradise as well.  

Growing condition: Full sun, well-drained garden soil.

Deciduous climbers

Trumpet vine

Producing masses of orange to red trumpet-shaped flowers (some growing over eight cm), the trumpet vine needs a solid structure to support its growth. Offering both shade and beauty, it is a must for a Mediterranean garden.

Growing conditions: Sun or partial sun, moderately fertilised, moist but well-drained soil.


One of the toughest and most drought-tolerant climbers, there are many varieties of the grapevine including table and wine grape to choose from. Make sure it’s supported by a sturdy structure as grapes grow to be big and heavy. 

Growing conditions: Sun or partial sun, neutral to slightly acid soil.

outdoor, garden, plants, Mediterranean