Home & Garden

8 things you shouldn’t put in the dishwasher

Some items commonly placed in the dishwasher should never be put there.

Wooden utensils – Hot water can cause your wooden utensils to wear and warp.

Vintage plates – Detergent and hot water can wear at trims and painted details on old china.

Aluminium cookware – Harsh conditions in your dishwasher can cause your aluminium cookware to grow discoloured.

Insulated travel mug – Unless stated otherwise on the label, avoid putting travel mugs in the dishwasher. The water can get in between the cup’s layers and destroy the insulation, rendering your cup useless.

Cheese graters and garlic presses – Most dishwashers aren’t powerful enough to fully clean a cheese grater. Wash it by hand exclusively or give it a scrub before putting it in the washer.

Chef knives – Detergent can damage the sharp edge of your knives, and in turn your knives can damage other dishes if they’re not safely secured in your washer.

Crystal – Some crystal can be put in the dishwasher, but to be safe your best bet is washing your best pieces by hand with a gentle soap or shampoo.

Copper cookware – Like your aluminium cookware, the dishwasher can cause your copper goods to lose their coveted copper shade.

lifestyle, at home, dishwasher, utensils